The most exaggerated “frowney” face I get in the office seems to occur when patient’s find out that they cannot eat oatmeal or cereal any longer when following a low-carbohydrate dietary lifestyle. No, oatmeal is NOT good for you . . . I don’t care what WebMD recently said. No, steel-cut oats are even worse (1/4th cup of steel-cut oats is 27 grams of carbohydrate – Who only eats 1/4th cup of oatmeal? Most people eat at least 1/2 -1 cup at a sitting. You do the math . . .)
When I mentioned this to a disabled patient, even her service dog frowned.
Now, before you go running to Larry, the Quaker Oats Mascot (he’s been around for over 140 years), and ask his weight loss advise, I have the solution.

My angelic wife, Tiffini, the amazing homestead chef and animal husbandry specialist on our little farm, started making low-carb granola for our horseback trail rides. Prior to our discovery of a ketogenic lifestyle, granola was a staple in our pantry, on road trips and in the saddle bags on the trail. This has now replaced any craving either of us had for granola. It carries nicely all day in a Ziplock bag on horseback. It even tastes fantastic in a bowl with unsweetened almond milk as a breakfast alternative if you’re tired of eggs and bacon (but, who ever tires of eggs and bacon? I know . . . Right?!!)
I’ve been nibbling from this actual cookie-sheet of low-carb granola while writing this post. . . I wish you were here to share it with. Soooooo very good, and good for your ketogenic lifestyle. I think I’m going to eat another handful while I finish up Part II of the Principle Based Ketogenic Lifestyle post. Enjoy . . .
Tiffini’s Maple Pecan Granola (Low-Carb)