I am frequently asked about the sweeteners that can be used with a low carbohydrate diet. There are a number of sweeteners available that are used in “LowCarb” pre-processed foods like shakes or bars, or in cooking as alternatives to sugar; however, many of them raise insulin levels without raising blood sugar and are not appropriate for use with a true low-carbohydrate/ketogenic diet. You can see and print the article I published clarifying which sweeteners you can use and which ones to avoid in the menu bar above “Sour Truth About Sweeteners” and you can watch last night’s periscope below:
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Your evaluation of weetnenes lacks discussion of
(1) pure liquid sucralose, which contains no material to bulk up the product.
(2) pure liquid stevia in either a glycerine or water base
(3) whole leaf stevia, also available in ground leaf and in tea bag
(4) the American research on cyclamate is grossly flawed at the behest of the sugar manufacturers. It is not only available in Canada, but also in Europe and does not seem to cause any problem.
(5) Mexican sweet leaf (Aztec sweet herb, Texas sweet leaf, lippia dulcis or phyla dulcis)
Cheers and thank you!
ASDF (whoever you are),
I actually did discuss liquid sucralose in the Periscope video and I find that it can be used without raising insulin levels in most people.
I recommend liquid stevia and find that there is very little insulin response with its use and have no problem with the use of whole leaf stevia.
I DO NOT recommend the use of Mexiacan sweet leaf (LIPPIA DULCIS) as it contains camphor which can be toxic and cause death when ingested orally.
In the data that I have found available, there is not an insulin response with the use of cyclamate, however, since it is not available in the U.S, I have not been able to find much clinical data on it’s use with weight loss or effect on small dense LDL cholesterol. I’d be interested to see any data on cyclamate you have access to, if available and used regularly in Europe.
Thank you for this periscope topic. I listed to this when Jimmy Moore invited people to listen. After listening I found that the additive I put in my water (ENERGY RUSH – berry ) for flavor and sweetening contains ace sulfate potassium. I IMMEDIATELY stopped using it and both my blood sugar levels and weight went down almost miraculously. I am now following you on periscope.
Thank you for sharing your experience. Many people in my office, myself included have found even small amounts of acesulfame potassium (Ace K) to be a culprit in their weight loss and health journey. Good luck and thank you again for sharing. Hopefully, you continue to find value in what we are sharing over Periscope and the podcasts.
I always enjoy your Periscopes but I found this one particularly enlightening. My cupboards are a little more bare tonight than before listening. I wanted to add one more soda to your “approved” list: Pennsylvania Dutch Diet Birch Beer. It is sweetened with aspartame only.